DMFI welcomes the bipartisan congressional letter, led by Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28), calling on the Biden Administration, including the Departments of State, Treasury, and Commerce, to address the use of American manufactured goods in Iranian drones being used by Russia in Ukraine.

“Recent and disturbing reports highlighted in this congressional letter reveal that 75% or more of the components used in Iranian-made Shahed drones are manufactured in the United States. Iran oppresses its own people, strikes its neighbors, attacks American servicemembers, and now, by providing drones to Russia, Iran is assaulting a free, sovereign nation fighting for its survival.” said DMFI president, Mark Mellman. “We join our friends in Congress in encouraging President Biden to ensure the whole of government is focused on stopping Iran from obtaining American-made parts for their drones and disrupting Iran’s growing military partnership with Russia.”

The full text of the letter and its signers can be found here.

DMFI applauds Democratic Representative Henry Cuellar, as well as Representative Brad Schneider (IL-10) for leading this effort.
