
As active Democrats working to maintain support for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and a progressive policy agenda, we:

Maintain & Strengthen Support for Israel Among Grassroots Progressives and Democratic Leaders

We work to maintain and strengthen support for Israel among elected leaders including presidential and congressional candidates as well as with the grassroots of progressive movements. We are committed to doing so because we recognize that America’s relationship with Israel, the sole democracy in the Middle East, is a mutually beneficial one based on shared values and shared interests.

Advance Policies to Ensure a Peaceful and Secure Israel

We will work to ensure Israel has the resources to defend herself, by herself, to ensure Israeli citizens — Jews and non-Jews — can live in peace and security.

Defend Israel’s Legitimacy

We fight efforts to isolate, stigmatize or delegitimize Israel – efforts that create more conflict, not peace. Peace requires constructive engagement, as well economic and political cooperation Boycotting or stigmatizing Israel are the opposite of what is needed to promote peace.

Promote a Two-State Solution and Arab-Israeli Peace through Diplomacy and Partnership

Peace can only be achieved through diplomacy between the government of Israel and its neighbors. We support—and promote—a two-state solution with the Palestinians, achieved through direct bilateral negotiations. We respect and support Israeli democracy and believe the Israeli people have the right to determine their own future without outside parties imposing solutions on them. The United States has an important role to play, working closely with our ally, Israel, to achieve two states for two peoples living side by side in peace and security.

Encourage American Global Leadership

We support American global leadership which is essential to promoting peace, economic opportunity and hope. We advocate for a robust foreign aid budget, including diplomacy and development, enabling all people to reach a path to freedom and security, and a better future for their children. Israel has built a record of responding to these global challenges; we will encourage joint U.S.-Israel programs, such as developing clean energy, health care innovation, solving water shortages and improving agricultural production.

Promote Progressive Values

We support those who are leading the fights for equal economic opportunity, gun safety, immigrant rights, civil rights, voting rights, women’s rights, rights of LGBTQ+ people, environmental protection and education. We continue the fight to achieve these goals, while opposing efforts to restrict or diminish these rights in U.S. law and policy. We speak out against bigotry and discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Educate and Support Elected Officials

We educate and support Democratic Party leaders, including candidates for the presidency and Congress, to ensure the Democratic Party, its policies, and its platforms continue to uphold these principles.

Mobilize Pro-Israel Voters

We work to mobilize pro-Israel voters, as we did during the 2020 General Election, where DMFI identified and activated 100,000+ voters around the country through phone banking and vote tripling. During the 2020 Presidential Primary, we organized thousands of pro-Israel voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, who spoke out at campaign events, asked candidates questions, and ensured our voices were heard on the campaign trail.

Guiding Principles

We are committed to a strong, mutually beneficial, U.S.-Israel relationship — a relationship grounded in shared values and shared interests.

We celebrate Israeli democracy and the right of the Israeli people to determine their own future without outside parties imposing solutions.

We are helping to lead the fights for equality, economic opportunity, education, environmental protection, gun safety, immigrant rights, civil rights, voting rights, women’s rights and the rights of LGBTQ+ people. We oppose efforts to restrict or diminish these rights in U.S. law and policy. We will speak out against bigotry and discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Pro-Israel Democratic Leaders

“The relationship between Israel and the United States is not about weapons systems and security assistance. It’s about the shared soul that unites our countries, generation upon generation.”
President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden

“I want to congratulate Democratic Majority for Israel’s board, leadership and supporters for building an organization that has quickly become a vital force in advancing Democratic values, electing Democratic candidates, and advocating for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship.”
Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi

“I have been proud to work closely with DMFI’s leadership to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship in Congress and to ensure that Israel maintains its qualitative military edge, its close working ties with U.S. military and intelligence agencies, and its ability to deter and counter terrorism through innovative systems like Iron Dome and David’s Sling. I am proud that Democrats continue to stand strongly behind Israel’s right to defend itself and to chart its future as the modern expression of Jewish self-determination.”
Former Majority Leader Congressman Steny Hoyer

Former Majority Leader Congressman Steny Hoyer

“The relationship between the United States and Israel is a special one that is rooted in shared values, an important strategic partnership in the Middle East, perhaps the world’s toughest neighborhood, and a mutual commitment to a lasting two state solution. I look forward to working with the Democratic Majority for Israel as it advances the unbreakable U.S.-Israel bond into the future.”
Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries

Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries

“Democratic Majority for Israel is committed to fighting for the kind of progressive agenda Democrats need, including a strong U.S.-Israel relationship. I look forward to working with DMFI to maintain and strengthen our party’s commitment to that agenda.”
Former Congressman Ted Deutch

Former Congressman Ted Deutch

Chair, Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa (D-FL)