Mark Mellman, President & CEO of Democratic Majority for Israel, made the following statement in response to troubling remarks by Mr. Al Williams, a candidate to be Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party, who said during an event:
“This is not the Jewish party, this is the Democratic Party. There are more voices than just Zionists in this party. There are more voices than just Jewish Americans within this party. There are more voices than just those anti-Arab American voices within this party.”
Williams then added, “That is one of our traditions and values, except for when it comes to certain countries.”
“Al Williams’ comments are deeply offensive and should be disqualifying. Good Democrats don’t traffic in antisemitic stereotypes about Jewish loyalty or falsely portray Jewish Americans as ‘anti-Arab American.’
“Williams’ effort to deny Jewish Americans a home in our party should be definitively rejected by all Democrats and all Americans.
“The Democratic Party has and must continue to be a home for all Americans – including those with a diversity of religious and ethnic backgrounds. The path to electoral victory is through unity, not the division and exclusion Mr. Williams promotes.
“We urge Mr. Williams to immediately withdraw from the race for Chair, apologize for his indefensible remarks, and seek out meaningful conversations with the Jewish community to understand why his comments are so wrong and so harmful.”