Democratic Majority for Israel’s CEO and President Mark Mellman issued the following statement today on behalf of Democratic Majority for Israel:

“After trying to overturn the results of the Presidential election, Donald Trump and his minions are at it again — this time trying to overturn the results of California’s 2018 gubernatorial election.

“Californians deserve a governor who’s proven to be a leader in times of crisis, who values equity and inclusion, who listens to science, and who prioritizes the health and safety of his constituents. Luckily, California voters elected such a leader— Governor Gavin Newsom.

“Democratic Majority for Israel vehemently opposes the Republican effort to remove Governor Newsom in the recall election.

“If Governor Newsom receives less than 50 percent of the vote, Republicans will install a radical right-wing Trump backer, probably talk radio host Larry Elder, currently polling at only 25 percent.

“Like too many Republicans these days, Mr. Elder holds a number of extreme — and outright dangerous — views, antithetical to those held by the vast majority of Californians: he opposes a minimum wage of any kind, supports overturning Roe v. Wade, wants to eliminate all welfare and entitlements, and has promoted misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. In an ordinary election, such a candidate would lose by a landslide in California — but thanks to the state’s unique constitution, which only requires 12% of voters to force a recall, the chances of a Governor Elder are far too high.

“Throughout his tenure, Governor Newsom has demonstrated courageous leadership — from battling record-breaking wildfires to implementing an unprecedented mass vaccination program — all while championing progressive policies that Californians overwhelmingly support. We strongly encourage all Californians to reject the Trump, Republican recall effort and vote no on removing Governor Newsom.”
