Democratic Majority for Israel President & CEO Mark Mellman today issued the following statement:

“Once again, disgraced former President Donald Trump has demonstrated a profound disregard for the principles of diversity and democracy that define our great nation. In a recent interview with Wayne Allyn Root on Real America’s Voice, Mr. Trump repeated the lie that ‘any Jewish person that votes for Biden does not love Israel’ and made egregious comments suggesting that Jewish and Black Americans vote for Democrats ‘out of habit,’ undermining the intelligence and autonomy of millions of voters.

“Donald Trump’s comments are not just irresponsible, they are offensive — reducing the political choices of Jewish and Black Americans to mere ‘habit’ ignores the thoughtful considerations of policy, principle, and leadership that inform their decisions.

“Trump’s assertions about Jewish Democratic voters are as unfounded as they are divisive. The Democratic Party, under the leadership of President Joe Biden, has consistently supported Israel, affirming its right to defend itself while also advocating for a peaceful resolution to conflict in the region.

“Trump has a well-documented history of racial insensitivity and antisemitic associations, and his attempt yesterday to monolithically categorize Jewish and Black voters — and to claim superior knowledge of what is best for them — betrays his narcissism, arrogance, and prejudice.

“He’s shown us time and again who he is — a bigot and a con man. Political leaders across the political spectrum should join us in condemning his repugnant remarks.”
