In response to a press conference held by leading GOP gubernatorial candidate, North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, that was ostensibly intended to support Israel in the aftermath of Hamas’ invasion of Israeli communities, Democratic Majority for Israel president and CEO Mark Mellman released the following statement:

“In the days following the deadliest outbreak of anti-Jewish violence since the Holocaust, it’s unconscionable that when presented with the opportunity today, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson refused to apologize for, and renounce, his past antisemitic remarks.

“Robinson’s long history of hate speech — including making antisemitic statements, excusing Nazism, engaging in Holocaust denial, and denigrating Muslims, transgender people, and other marginalized communities — is both repugnant and dangerous.

“Let us be clear: we perceive his apparent support for Israel’s security during this crisis as nothing other than a transparent ploy to advance his political career.

“We urge North Carolinians to reject Robinson’s toxic rhetoric and call on all decent Republicans to condemn his remarks.”
