Washington, D.C. (January 11, 2022) — Wednesday marks the 100th day that Republican Senator Rand Paul has blocked vital supplemental funding to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome defensive missile batteries, depleted in May when the terrorist group Hamas launched over 4,500 rockets at Israeli civilians.
“As we reach the 100th day of Senator Paul blocking Iron Dome funding, we continue to be appalled by his complete disregard for Israel’s security and its ability to readily defend itself against rockets launched by Hamas terrorists,” said Democratic Majority for Israel President Mark Mellman. “For the good of the U.S.-Israel relationship, and for the safety of all Israelis — Jewish and Arab alike — Republicans must hold Senator Paul accountable and work to pass this critical funding.”
Last year, on September 23rd, the House of Representatives — including 95% of House Democrats — passed critically needed Iron Dome funding on a bipartisan basis. On October 4th, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez (D-NJ) asked for unanimous consent to fast-track the bill in the Senate — Senator Paul objected, thereby denying America’s closest Middle East ally this critical funding to protect civilians from terrorist attacks. Nearly three months later, the funding remains in limbo.
Senator Paul can add Iron Dome funding to a long list of common sense, bipartisan bills he’s blocked or obstructed, including but not limited to, the Emmett Till Antilynching Act, which would make lynching a federal hate crime; the Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act, which would ensure the 9/11 Victims Fund remains solvent through 2092; and Daniel’s Law, which would bar data brokers from selling the identifying information of federal judges.
Shortly after Sen. Paul began blocking Iron Dome funding, Democratic Majority for Israel mobilized grassroots supporters to demand that Senator Paul and his Republican colleagues allow the bill to come to the floor, including hundreds of letters sent to Senator Paul’s office and a daily social media campaign.
