In response to Senator Bernie Sanders’ announced intention to introduce resolutions blocking aid to Israel, Mark Mellman, Democratic Majority for Israel President & CEO, issued the following statement:

“Senator Sanders’ proposal to block aid to Israel requested by the Biden-Harris Administration is deeply misguided, counterproductive, and dangerous, particularly as Israel is actively engaged in a 5-front, defensive war.

“Because Israel faces real threats — from Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, the Houthis, and others — it needs the munitions requested for legitimate self-defense. Disarming Israel in the midst of a war is not the way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Frankly, Sanders’ proposal gives Iran and its proxies exactly what they want and plays into their strategy — to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel. Senator Sanders’ approach helps them succeed.

“We don’t have a ceasefire today because Hamas determined its strategy was working and hardened its demands. In April, Iran attacked Israel directly for the first time in history in important measure because they concluded their strategy was working. Senator Sanders’ resolutions will mean more war, more death, and more destruction.

“While war is awful and civilian casualties tragic, Hamas bears responsibility for them. Military experts say Israel has done more than any other country to prevent civilian casualties and is acting lawfully.

“Senator Sanders’ resolution also ignores American public opinion. Recent polling demonstrates that only 23% of voters nationally want security assistance decreased from current levels, while 60% want it increased or kept the same, and 17% offer no opinion.

“Abandoning our ally Israel on false pretenses and undermining the policy of the Biden-Harris Administration is the kind of repugnant reversal we’d expect from Donald Trump, not from Democrats.”
