Today, Democratic Majority for Israel President and CEO Mark Mellman made the following statement:

“J.D. Vance is a far-right extremist who denied the 2020 election results, supports a national abortion ban and voted against aid to Israel during its war with Hamas. As Vice President, he’ll advance a MAGA agenda, whose north star is sowing division and hatred. He promoted the ‘Great Replacement Theory’ — the antisemitic conspiracy that inspired the Tree of Life murderer — and calls one of the most odious members of Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, a ‘friend.’ Despite some of his statements on Israel, he abandoned our ally after the October 7th terrorist attacks in opposing the emergency aid package for Israel and Ukraine. He was one of just 15 Republican senators to vote against the aid in April.

“There is no question — a Trump-Vance ticket will be detrimental to America, harmful to democracy and hurtful to our allies like Israel. This stands in stark contrast to the vision and values of the Biden-Harris agenda, which aims to promote unity and heal our deep wounds, while continuing to support our allies in need.”
