A political action committee to back pro-Israel Democratic candidates has been established by the Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI), the Jewish Insider reported on Wednesday.

The PAC aims at strengthening incumbent members of Congress who are challenged over their pro-Israel position in the primaries.

“The overwhelming majority of elected Democrats are pro-Israel and we intend to keep it that way, there is a small group of outliers who are trying to change that and we are here to do battle with them,” Mark Mellman, the group’s leader, told Jewish Insider, adding that they had not decided which races it would be active in.

According to the report, the PAC has not solicited contributions yet, but several people have already pledged to donate to it.

The group aims to establish itself as a significant player in the 2020 elections.

“We know a lot of our champions being threatened around the country and we know some of those races are going to be serious races,” Mellman further said.