With the House poised to vote on final passage of the American Rescue Plan, Democratic Majority for Israel President and CEO Mark Mellman released the following statement:

“As the United States prepares to mark one year since the coronavirus pandemic upended our lives — shuttering businesses, closing schools, and destroying livelihoods — Senate and House Democrats have worked tirelessly to fulfill President Biden’s campaign pledge to pass the American Rescue Plan. We congratulate Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer on their steady leadership maneuvering this bill through congress and, hopefully, onto President Biden’s desk this week.

“It is troubling that even with broad bipartisan support from the American public, including more than half of Republican voters, not a single Republican in either chamber voted for this crucial bill. We urge all legislators who put country over party to support the American Rescue Plan on final passage.

“Our hearts go out to the loved ones of the more than half million Americans killed by COVID-19.

“With millions out of work, and millions more facing reduced hours and pay, American families are struggling. With the passage of the American Rescue Plan, Democrats will deliver for the American people with direct payments to individuals and families, more resources to open schools quickly and safely, billions in grants for small businesses, and increased funding for the national vaccination program, which will help end this pandemic.”
