Washington, D.C. (September 30, 2021) — Following Vice President Harris’s recent visit to George Mason University, Democratic Majority for Israel President Mark Mellman released the following statement on her response to a student’s question:

“The Biden-Harris Administration, as well as President Biden and Vice President Harris personally, have exemplary pro-Israel records, for which we are immensely grateful.

“They have supported Israel’s right to defend itself, focused on the importance of Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state as a prerequisite to peace, opposed BDS, and are leading efforts to replenish the Iron Dome anti-missile system.

“We were pleased Vice President Harris’s senior staff reached out to us today to confirm what we already knew: Her ‘commitment to Israel’s security is unwavering,’ and she ‘strongly disagrees with the George Mason student’s characterization of Israel.’

“DMFI appreciates the strong support both President Biden and Vice President Harris have given to issues that inspire our members.”
