Today, Mark Mellman, President and CEO of Democratic Majority for Israel, made the following statement:
“If accurately reported, and meaningfully implemented, the Palestinian Authority’s reported decision to end its reprehensible ‘pay-for-slay’ payments would be a welcome and long-awaited reform. DMFI has long decried ‘pay-for-slay’ — a program which provides financial rewards to terrorists for killing Israelis — as a major obstacle to peace in the region. This has been one important way the PA has encouraged and incited terrorist attacks.
“DMFI commends the Biden Administration for their years of effort in laying the groundwork for the seeming repeal of this abhorrent policy. Without their tireless efforts, this apparent development could not have occurred.
“We hope the Palestinian Authority follows through on this commitment, refrains from other ways of surreptitiously paying terrorists, and brings an end to its other forms of incitement. For example, the PA’s education system continues to teach antisemitism and glorify terrorism, as does the PA’s practice of naming public spaces for murderous terrorists.
“Peace is incompatible with Palestinian support for, and incitement to, violence.”