Today, Democratic Majority for Israel President & CEO Mark Mellman released the following statement on the nomination of Joe Kent to be Director of the National Counterterrorism Center:

“Joe Kent is a zealot whose blind devotion to an extremist ideology concerns us deeply. For the good of the nation, the Senate should reject his appointment to the critical post of Director of the National Counterterrorism Center. No one who joins a podcast hosted by a Nazi sympathizer, lifts talking points from pro-Russian Telegram channels, and says government-controlled agents were part of the January 6th attacks should be in charge of counterterrorism – period.

“We cannot entrust counterterrorism to someone who believes that Putin had legitimate concerns when he launched his unprovoked attack on Ukraine, who believes that President Zelenskyy was installed by the United States, or called Zelenskyy a ‘thug.’ His attacks on pro-Israel Americans are similarly unacceptable.

“Joe Kent’s appointment is beyond politics; it’s about rejecting someone who, in the run-up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, repeatedly dismissed glaring evidence of Russian intent that Western intelligence agencies produced, instead driving his own warped worldview. We can’t have someone handling national security and counterterrorism who gives Putin the benefit of the doubt.

“This is a very dangerous appointment, and senators of all political parties should carefully examine Kent’s record, reject him in a bipartisan way, and allow the President to nominate a qualified candidate.”

The case against Joe Kent is open and shut, but here are a few clear examples:
