Mark Mellman, President and CEO of Democratic Majority for Israel released the following statement regarding the murder of Israeli teenager Rina Schenrav:

“Our hearts break today for the family of Rina Schenrav, an Israeli teenager who was murdered in a terrorist attack while hiking with her family. The explosive device that killed Rina also badly injured her father and brother. May Rina’s memory be a blessing. Although their world will never be the same, we wish her father and brother a quick and full recovery.

“This is the second terrorist murder of an Israeli teen in two weeks.

“We cannot help but be appalled by the response to Rina’s murder from Iranian backed Hamas, which controls Gaza. Hamas’ leader ‘welcomed’ the attack and wished the terrorists who carried out the operation ‘support and safety.’

“We condemn this horrific attack and hope that the murderers and their accomplices are brought to justice.

“We urge the Palestinian Authority to end the incitement which helps lead to these attacks and to end its pay to slay policy which provides special salaries and benefits to perpetrators of these terrorist acts and their families.

“We know some will say, ‘If Israel withdrew from the West Bank, these attacks would stop.’ Most Israelis would reply, ‘We unilaterally removed every soldier and every settlement from Gaza. Instead of peace, we got Hamas firing over 10,000 rockets and missiles at us from Gaza.’

“Democratic Majority for Israel strongly supports a two-state solution and recognizes that in this complicated situation simple nostrums are not helpful. Achieving a two-state solution will require concessions by both Palestinians and Israelis.”
