Democratic Majority For Israel is trying to calm the nerves of Democrats fearing continued support for Israel will lead to disaster in November, reported Axios

Democratic Majority For Israel (DMFI), a prominent pro-Israel group, has sent a memo to campaigns and members of Congress arguing that “support for pro-Israel policies is not damaging,” according to a copy first shared with Axios.

The step is said to be driven by the President Joe Biden and other pro-Israel Democrats’ shift in their stance on the war in Gaza in recent months.

“People sometimes mistake volume for percentage, and the fact that some people are very loud doesn’t make them the majority. It doesn’t even make them a substantial minority,” said DMFI president Mark Mellman referring to the pro-Palestinian voices. Axios noted that pro-Palestinian activists launched a nationwide effort during the Democratic primaries urging progressives to vote “uncommitted” as a protest of Biden’s support for Israel.

Additionally, according to the report, many Democrats have voiced concerns about turnout and support among young and Arab American voters, two typically solid Democratic voting blocs. DMFI is said to argue “the impact of the uncommitted movement has been overblown.”

Some pro-Israel Democrats on Capitol Hill are taking the DMFI message to heart, said Axios. However, Layla Elabed, a leader of the Uncommitted National Movement said in a statement: “If people don’t think that will have a negative electoral effect on Biden in a tight election, they either have their heads in the sand or are deliberately misleading people.”