Action Alerts

Tell Your Members

Oppose Sen. Sanders’ & Reps. Tlaib and Jayapals’ anti-Israel resolutions

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Tell Your Representative

Oppose Jayapal’s and Tlaib’s anti-Israel resolutions

Representatives Jayapal and Tlaib put forward legislation to block military aid to Israel, even as Israel's national security is threatened.

We need your help to make sure the U.S. continues to provide Israel with the weapons it needs to defend itself.

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Tell Your Senator

Vote no on Sanders’ anti-Israel resolutions

Senator Bernie Sanders and others put forward legislation to block military aid to Israel, even as Israel's national security is threatened.

We need your help to make sure the U.S. continues to provide Israel with the weapons it needs to defend itself.

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Tell Your Representative

Tell Your Representative: Support the Antisemitism Awareness Act

Antisemitism is on the rise across the United States, especially on college campuses, and it's time for Congress to act.

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Tell President Trump

Tell President Trump to reconsider his anti-Israel appointment

Trump is appointing anti-Israel Michael DiMino to a key Defense position overseeing Middle East policy.

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Tell your Congressmember

Israel at War: Urge Congress to support Israel

On October 7th, Hamas terrorists infiltrated and occupied several Israeli towns near Gaza, brutally killing or kidnapping Israeli civilians and launching a barrage of missiles into Israel's cities in a surprise early morning attack. Israel has a duty and an unquestionable right to defend itself from this brutal attack.

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Tell Your Congressmembers

Tell Congress: Support the U.S.-Israel Alliance!

With anti-Zionist antisemitism globally on the rise, fighting the demonization of Israel is more critical than ever. As the 118th Congress gets to work, lawmakers' support for the U.S.-Israel relationship will be essential. We hope you'll join us in urging your members of Congress to stand up for this historic alliance.

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Tell Your Representative

Remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from Congress!

Majorie Taylor Greene's delusional worldview and conspiratorial thinking pose a grave threat to our democracy and to the lives of those who work in the Capitol. Someone who openly promotes hateful ill-informed rhetoric, political violence, and conspiracy theories must not be allowed to hold congressional office a day longer.

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