Action Alerts

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Vote no on Bernie Sanders’ resolution to block Israel aid

Senator Bernie Sanders recently announced that he intends to force a vote in the Senate on a resolution to block $20 billion of critical military aid to Israel. Let’s be clear: Sanders’ proposal is dangerous, misguided and counterproductive -- especially in the middle of a defensive war.

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The U.S. must support Israel as it defends against Hezbollah’s attacks

Hezbollah's bombardment on northern Israel has gone largely unnoticed -- even as the terrorist group risks full-scale war between Israel and Lebanon. Democrats in Congress need to make it clear that they support Israel's right to defend itself from these attacks.

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Demand Hamas Accept the Biden Deal

As President Biden said, "Hamas is now the only obstacle to a complete ceasefire and relief for the people of Gaza." Our representatives in Congress need to put the pressure where it belongs -- on Hamas. Urge your Member of Congress to put as much pressure as possible on Hamas to accept the latest ceasefire agreement.

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Vote for critical aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan!

This critical aid has already been delayed for far too long, and we need Congress to act now. We need to demand that our representatives send a clear message to our adversaries in Russia, China, and the Middle East: we will stand with our allies.

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Demand the House return from vacation to vote for Israel aid!

While Israel continues its operations to disarm the Hamas terrorist regime and Ukraine battles Russia for its survival, Republicans in the House are missing in action.

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Demand a Vote on the National Security Supplemental!

Earlier this week, the Senate passed the National Security Supplemental by a huge bipartisan majority --- but Speaker Johnson won't even allow a vote in the House on this critical aid.

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Co-Sponsor Senate Resolution 505

It's time to condemn the use of sexual violence and rape as a weapon of war by the terrorist group Hamas against the people of Israel.

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Tell Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Stop Lying About Israel and Apologize

President Biden and U.S. intelligence corroborated Israel's conclusion that the deadly blast at a Gaza hospital was from a failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket, but Rep. Tlaib still blames Israel. It's time to stop the lies and apologize for spreading dangerous disinformation.

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Israel at War: Confirm Jack Lew as U.S. Ambassador to Israel

It is critical that the United States have its top diplomat in Israel on the ground to help coordinate American support for Israel's war against Hamas.

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